Miniature Windows-PE from the SV2004, heavily
modified from its original version. Features - WIM-assembly, based on
the core BS-Explorer, loaded and running very quickly. Minimum
requirements - 128MB of RAM. There is support for SCSI / SATA / RAID.
Network / Internet and multimedia available - it only "repair" assembly
with minimal load time.
Main purpose:
Preparing to install the OS (with Notch install Win 2000/XP/2003 / GUI
WinInstall / or the entire line of Windows / WinNTSetup /), the
creation / deployment system images, restore / copy data, resuscitation
target OS, clearing the OS from viruses (trojans), and xxxxx banners
(blockers), testing the basic components of MS, and more. In general,
the disk system administrator with minimal load time (30 sec. From HDD
to the minute - CD / DVD-Rom). In the assembly, there are two
full-virus scanners - Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool and Dr.Web CureIt
free antivirus databases, but they can be updated if there is a network
(for example, under normal operating system) and are able to pick up
their bases from the archive to the root of any disc! This is done so
that the assembly could be held on a regular compact set (without
writing it on the new every time after update), and the base - at any
writable media (HDD, USB flash drive). If the assembly is used on a
flash drive, the usual 1GB flash drive is quite place and assembly, and
the base (if they can keep as a root of the stick, and in your own
scanners). Scanner Update offers the most running Lodging archive
database, you only need to choose the correct one. Scanners themselves
(as opposed to the normal version of antivirus software) can be used
for assembly, as in the usual Windows, even with a similar product.
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